
Windows 10 Update Assistant에서 Not Supported "Realtek USB 3.0 Card Reader"

Windows 10 Update Assistant에서 Realtek USB 3.0 Card Reader를 지원하지 않아 다음 단계로 진행할 수 없는 현상에 대한 Research 내용

  1. Used Device manager to disabled the "Realtek USB 3.0 Card Reader" 
  2. Rebooted my Surface
  3. Used Device Manager to Delete the Realtek USB 3.0 Card Reader
  4. (DO NOT reboot after deleting the driver or Windows 10 will just automatically reinstall it after a reboot)
  5. Used Windows 10 Update Assistant to update my Surface (this was failing prior to taking these steps)
  6. Ran update manually even though it was reporting no updates were available
  7. Windows Update found and installed the new Realtek USB 3.0 Card Reader driver
  8. Rebooted my Surface and all is good running the new Creator update.

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